
Deregister vehicle

Note – If there are any glitches on, contact us at s. 567-6700 or fill out the form below, Step 1. Go to with the link below and deregister the vehicle. Step 2. Fill out the form below and order a disposal. Step 3. We collect the car and the license plates.

    Vehicle location

    Image of a vehicle

    Requested by:

    *See more information about deregistration of vehicles at

    Processing of vehicles

    Vaka hf. takes back cars for disposal in cooperation with recycling companies. 

    Vaka hf. picks up vehicles for free in the capital area that are returned for disposal. For owners of vehicles outside the capital area, we make favorable offers for transportation.

    You can also bring the vehicle to us at Héðinsgata 2, where we will accept the vehicle and assist with electronic deregistration.

    Remember to remove all personal belongings from the vehicles before handing them over, but Vaka is not responsible for any belongings that are lost or discarded with the vehicle.